jueves, 17 de mayo de 2007

Nene who writes imperfectos (statues will not cry)

Won´t you walk away?
Si, hermoso escuchante de las esferas
she´s away from me.

Do I care?
Does really matters?
Urano y Plutón ríen
In fact, they broke everything between her and myself

I hurt her, then she hurt me back, so I hurt her again
Rueda enferma que se vuelve la lluvia cuando no se mide

mantequilla in fraganti
que se cuela por los dedos
y recuerda las cruces del impostor banal
I have a lot to learn
But she... well, she lost my original pickles
This is the best for the two of us
Basta de traer el pasado en pala
We have a great future
but not together
not anymore
Separadamente, como yuyos malhumorados.
(I hope u dont´t cut your soul trying to get me back!)